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Taxpayers abused by school lawsuits that cost millions

It is a travesty that taxpayers are the ones paying for the actions of employees of the Clark County School District (“CCSD may settle cases,” Friday Review-Journal). The district is considering settling various bullying and sexual misconduct charges for $7 million dollars. The district is simply the conduit through which the payoff money will flow.

Diffuse the NFL protests by removing the stage

As demonstrated by Wayne Allyn Root’s column on Nike (“Nike vs. In-N-Out: The Silent Majority has spoken,” Thursday Review-Journal), I think that the NFL should suspend the playing of the National Anthem until Trump is out of office. This will stop the politicization of this issue by the president and diffuse this issue.

Home prices and the value of a big backyard

In response to Commissioner Chris Giunchigliani’s idea of increasing the size of new home backyards (“Builders bash bigger-backyard plan,” Tuesday Review-Journal), I live in an older part of town where my backyard would meet the larger standards. But in my area, the value of homes and property is under the median price of a new single-family home.

True sacrifice and the shoes on your feet

Nike’s latest advertising campaign features a face photo of national anthem protesting ex-NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick along with the phrase, “Believe in something. Even if it means sacrificing everything.”

Animals are roaming free … now what?

Thank you, PETA, for saving those animals from the boxes of Animal Crackers. But now I’m a little nervous: What will happen to me if I eat them? Should I lawyer up?

Respecting debate on America’s college campuses

Regarding “Bannon still on for one festival, out of another” (Review-Journal, September 5), the article stated that Steve Bannon’s invitation to speak at the New Yorker festival was withdrawn because of threats by Jim Carrey and other “elites” but was still on at a festival hosted by The Economist.

Don’t like liberals or California government? Vote with your feet

George Pucine’s letter in last Wednesday’s Review-Journal, “Escaping California,” left me puzzled. If he wanted to live in a conservative environment, why didn’t he move to Utah, Idaho or Texas? If liberal political renderings are totally unacceptable to him, he could have moved to a different country where liberal ideas are against the law, like Russia or North Korea. Our country is a mix of political ideals. Trying to run away from political atmospheres that you disagree with is fine but don’t bring your left-hating ideals to my state and then slam what I appreciate here.

A simple solution to tracking kids

Unfortunately, we see almost daily stories of missing children. I’ve suggested for 10 years a way to stop that immediately or, at least, be able to find those missing within minutes.

We already know who is willing to live near a nuke dump

In reference to the September 4 question asked by Paul Ware of “who wants to live only 95 miles from the country’s nuclear waste dump?”:

Door-to-door service for kids who could use a walk

I live in a small subdivision, one block long by three blocks, in a very nice neighborhood. I notice the school bus picks up kids at their door. Childhood obesity is a huge problem. Can’t the kids even walk to the entry of the subdivision? It appears this door-to-door service is very common.

Wedding a slap in the face to employees waiting on raises

I find it disgraceful how the Ferttitas flaunted their wealth on the wedding of Kelley Fertitta and Tyler Nemiro when they have not given their employees a raise in six years.

Help wanted, but no help given

Not knowing Barry Perea of Las Vegas, but having a similar experience with Congresswoman Jacky Rosen allows me to empathize with him. I, too, contacted Rep. Rosen’s office and used the online system that requires much personal info.

Search engines bury material critical of climate change

John Stossel’s commentary of September 4 argues that there is web censorship of conservative articles. One example is that the first 10 pages of a search on climate skepticism were critical of climate change skepticism.

Doctor’s connection to boy makes a tragic death harder to bear

I am sick inside with a mixture of anger and sadness. Eight year old Levi Echenique was killed by a drunk driver. And I am sick with hurt. I am a pediatrician, and Levi was my patient.

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