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Protesting professor needs a civics lesson

So Mark J. Bird, a professor at the College of Southern Nevada, decided to shoot himself in the arm to protest President Trump (“CSN professor facing gun charges,” Wednesday Review-Journal). Is this supposed to make the president resign his office? Has he heard of voting?

Performance, price make NV Energy a bad choice for power

NV Energy is killing me with my electric bill. In my business, I have the freedom to purchase from the most competitive vendor on price, except for electricity. For my home and business, there’s no choice at all. I have to pay whatever NV Energy decides and put up with whatever quality service they deliver. The bills have been so ridiculous that I asked them to come to my house to see why it was so much. They set an appointment — and never showed.

Support for President Trump questioned

I, and I’m sure thousands of other Nevadans, would like a few answers to a few questions of this newspaper.

Economy is booming, but who really deserves the credit?

President Trump takes credit for a good U.S. economy. Just last week in a speech, President Obama took credit for getting the good U.S. economy started.

Weak on crime, if it gets you a few votes

The RJ printed a story Saturday (“Roundtable focuses on criminal justice reform”) in which Eric Holder tells us “tough on crime” reforms foster disrespect in our justice system. Turn that around, and he is saying if we are “weak on crime,” criminals will respect the justice system.

Symbolic acts, and the separation from freedom

In response to Michael Ramirez’s Sunday political cartoon against Nike, in the 1960s and 70s. the flag was burned, made into clothing and flown upside down. We survived and maybe became stronger as a country. The flag is a symbol of freedom, not freedom itself. By the way, my father was career military.

Anthem watching and the NFL’s place

Twenty-one years ago, my wife and I transplanted from Minnesota to Las Vegas. We still liked to follow the Minnesota Vikings and were looking forward to Sunday’s season opener. At kickoff, my wife mentioned that there was no national anthem. That was the end of our watching the opener.

Energy choice is all about letting the free market work

So let me get this straight. Nevada Question 3 will end Nevada’s Soviet-era energy monopoly and demand the creation of energy markets giving energy consumers the freedom to chose among all the different forms of energy available. Sounds good to me.

Release Kavanaugh records

The withholding of records regarding Judge Brett Kavanugh’s previous work brings up a serious transparency issue for any potential nominee (“Noisy hearing for Kavanaugh,” Sept. 5 Review-Journal). Transparency and accountability are a must for any Supreme Court nominee, no matter what political affiliation. All of a nominee’s records should be made public.

Insulting behavior reflects poorly on candidate

Trish Marsh took Tick Segerblom’s name and made it into a crude insult (“Strong language in race for commission seat,” Sept. 5, Review-Journal). This is undignified, vulgar and unprofessional. It shows she is not the caliber of person who is suitable for the Clark County Commissioner.

Taxpayers abused by school lawsuits that cost millions

It is a travesty that taxpayers are the ones paying for the actions of employees of the Clark County School District (“CCSD may settle cases,” Friday Review-Journal). The district is considering settling various bullying and sexual misconduct charges for $7 million dollars. The district is simply the conduit through which the payoff money will flow.

Diffuse the NFL protests by removing the stage

As demonstrated by Wayne Allyn Root’s column on Nike (“Nike vs. In-N-Out: The Silent Majority has spoken,” Thursday Review-Journal), I think that the NFL should suspend the playing of the National Anthem until Trump is out of office. This will stop the politicization of this issue by the president and diffuse this issue.

Home prices and the value of a big backyard

In response to Commissioner Chris Giunchigliani’s idea of increasing the size of new home backyards (“Builders bash bigger-backyard plan,” Tuesday Review-Journal), I live in an older part of town where my backyard would meet the larger standards. But in my area, the value of homes and property is under the median price of a new single-family home.

True sacrifice and the shoes on your feet

Nike’s latest advertising campaign features a face photo of national anthem protesting ex-NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick along with the phrase, “Believe in something. Even if it means sacrificing everything.”

Animals are roaming free … now what?

Thank you, PETA, for saving those animals from the boxes of Animal Crackers. But now I’m a little nervous: What will happen to me if I eat them? Should I lawyer up?

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