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LETTER: The NFL is pricing out its fans

I am an avid NFL football fan, and I am really angry at that league and what it has become.

LETTER: No excuse for Trump’s Arlington behavior

So the RJ supports the thumbs up and smiling photo-op former President Donald Trump held at Arlington because Gold Star families invited him?

LETTER: Border bill a boon for illegal immigration

The proposed immigration bill codifies into law a minimum of 5,000 illegals per day entering our country before any steps are taken to turn folks around.

LETTER: Put citizens first

Our veterans and disabled citizens should be taken care of first.

LETTER: These are true heroes

It was such a pleasure to read your article regarding the airmen honored for saving the pregnant woman at Zion National Park.

LETTER: Pay for politicians is outrageous

We should all seek a job as a U.S. senator or member of the House of Representatives.

LETTER: Lots of cones, but no one’s working

One morning, I was met with a line of traffic from Horizon as far as I could see down Boulder Highway on both sides.

LETTER: Debating about the debate

How many of you really had your questions or those actually asked by the moderators answered?

LETTER: Rank Question 3 last

Question 3 is not about allowing independents to vote in party primaries.

LETTER: Of course illegal aliens vote

Many non-citizens are either wittingly or unwittingly registered to vote due to various aggressive methods used to facilitate voter registration.

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