Recent episodes with Sens. Dianne Feinstein and Mitch McConnel raise concerns about Joe Biden’s age.
Michael Ramirez
Review-Journal editorial cartoonist Michael Ramirez is a two-time winner of the Pulitzer Prize and a three-time winner of the Sigma Delta Chi Award.
Despite the largest summer advertising campaign ever, Bud Light sales still fall.
With growing threats and strained budgets, the Pentagon needs to prioritize military effectiveness over green mandates.
White House surprised at U.S. credit downgrade.
The administration is selling Bidenomics but polls show only 34 percent of Americans are buying it.
Hunter Biden plea deal leaves more questions than answers.
Confusion clouds the future of Twitter as Elon Musk rebrands it and changes the logo three times.
Sen. Dianne Feinstein appears confused during a Senate committee vote.
Prigozhin reappears in Belarus as reports surface that Putin was warned prior to the rebellion and hid during the insurrection.
Disney struggles as it moves away from family entertainment to tales of the woke.
Following Prigozhin’s rebellion, Russian generals who have been targets of Ukraine are now targets of Putin.