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Yucca Mountain a death sentence for Nevadans

To the editor:

In Leonard Kreisler’s Tuesday letter (“State should claim Yucca Mountain cash”), he wrote: “How dumb can we be …” and “How stupid do we have to be …” in defense of allowing the rest of the country to dump its nuclear whatever in our backyard. Tell me, just how dumb can you be to accept the nation’s garbage for a few bucks that most Nevadans will never see? Or to put the future health of our children and grandchildren and great-grandchildren at genuine, if yet unknown, risk? How stupid do we have to be to willingly allow our state to become a hazardous waste catch-all?

Ask the senators from Illinois, New York and South Carolina who are pushing Yucca Mountain why they don’t want their own innocent families exposed to the very same deadly waste that their states have recklessly generated. Why choose Nevada residents to die? Just who’s dumb and dumber than reckless Nevadans who are proponents of Yucca Mountain?



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