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Won’t ObamaCare give UMC some relief?

To the editor:

It was always my understanding that University Medical Center operated at a loss because of its acceptance of patients who lack health insurance. UMC’s projected deficit rising almost threefold over the next four years is puzzling to me in lieu of the Affordable Care Act, a law that is meant to significantly reduce the number of uninsured in our country at great cost.

I sincerely hope Clark County commissioners think long and hard before raising part of our property taxes (“Tax hike for UMC considered,” Thursday Review-Journal). Don’t take UMC’s numbers as a given. Nobody really knows at this point how the Affordable Care Act will pan out over the next four years. Our city’s economic recovery is fragile at best. Let’s keep our hands off the tax increase button for a while longer.



Education failure

To the editor:

In response to your Thursday report, “Clark County School District sophomores bottom out on state’s math proficiency exam”:

Most of us read that headline and think that Nevada needs to go back to a successful policy of the past: If a student fails the exam the first time around, the student fails the subject — period. No more second chances.

With today’s policy, students know they don’t have to pass the first time, so they don’t apply themselves to study. If two-thirds of those students were booted from school (as they should be), then there would be no overcrowding of schools, and we could afford a better selection of teachers.

We have weak leadership in education, from our governor on down to the school boards. The schools are little more than baby sitters and certainly not a good use of taxpayer money. They’re turning out low-wage earners who can’t get jobs at fast-food establishments. Nevada schools must be revolutionized. They cannot be salvaged in their present state.



Renewable energy

To the editor:

As a small business owner for 21 years here in Southern Nevada, I can’t tell you how important I think it is for us to invest in renewable energy (“Jobs, costs at heart of debate,” Thursday Review-Journal).

With our climate, we are a prime candidate for clean energy, especially solar energy. This is a huge opportunity for Las Vegas, and if we go forward, this can help get our economy back on track. I want to be a part of a community that works for progress, works for doing what is right for our economy, for our self-sufficiency and independence, and works to help heal our planet.

Why would the Nevada Policy Research Institute release a report that doesn’t support a law to increase renewable energy development? It’s probably because the NPRI report was written by the Beacon Hill Institute for Public Policy Research, based at Suffolk University in Boston. Hopefully not too many people will buy into NPRI and its claims. I for one, as a small business owner, will not.



Save Onion

To the editor:

The dog Onion is in an enclosure with no exercise and very little contact with humans (“Henderson questioned about humane treatment of dog that killed 1-year-old boy,” April 17 Review-Journal). I find this to be appalling and unacceptable. While I can’t abide by having this animal put down and not given to a sanctuary, as the family desires, it seems to me after all this time a decision must be made. This is indeed cruel and inhuman punishment, even by non-animal lovers’ standards.



Charter school myth

To the editor:

Mythology and misinformation abound regarding charter schools, and unfortunately the Review-Journal is complicit in spreading confusion, as evidenced by Trevon Milliard’s article regarding Rainbow Dreams Academy (“District renews charter for Rainbow Dreams Academy,” Friday Review-Journal).

Mr. Milliard incorrectly states that “Charter schools are run by private organizations.” While many charter schools choose to contract with outside educational management organizations, and this may indeed be the case with Rainbow Dreams, the fact of the matter is that all charter schools in Nevada are governed by a local board, and that board is responsible for the operations and success of the school.

While this distinction between a locally managed charter and one that is managed by outsiders may seem trivial, it is a fact that mismanagement by for-profit entities that do not necessarily put the interests of students first taints the entire charter movement, and I felt it important to point out that charters can be and are administered successfully without outside management.



Tax increases

To the editor:

Glenn Cook expressed a concern that many residents share throughout our community: too many tax increases and very little effort or desire on our local governments’ part to save taxpayer money (“Too many taxes,” April 21 column). It appears they’re under the impression that we provide a carte blanche account for them.

Our money and patience are running thin. I’ve heard one too many conversations among locals who plan to leave Las Vegas before their quality of life deteriorates further. If we’re looking to create a community that is engaged and invested in the future, we know of one way that isn’t going to contribute toward that effort.

Viable communities and growth are not created by transience, but by folks who wish to remain rooted in their neighborhoods.



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