Where’s brouhaha over agent’s killing?
April 30, 2012 - 1:00 am
To the editor:
I understand the brouhaha about the General Services Administration spending $823,000 in Henderson (not Las Vegas). It shows a complete lack of responsibility and common sense from the bureaucrats appointed by our elected officials, and it is a very newsworthy event.
I understand the brouhaha regarding the Secret Service hiring prostitutes in Cartagena (again, not Las Vegas), also a newsworthy event.
What I don’t understand is the lack of attention by the same mainstream media regarding the “Fast and Furious” scandal. A Border Patrol officer was killed.
The media get more excited about government lavishly spending $823,000 (.000006 percent of the national debt) and Secret Service agents stiffing a prostitute (pun intended) than they do about the life of a federal officer. Unbelievable.
Fred Koshmerl
Las Vegas
Sense of values
To the editor:
Every day, members of the federal government continue to show the citizens how irresponsible they can be and still keep their jobs. It appears there is not one person in a position of authority who has any remote sense of values and responsibility.
Regarding the GSA and Secret Service scandals, did not one supervisor, bureaucrat or boss say anything like, “Hey, this looks like we’re spending too much money on a party”? Or, “Hey fellas, leave the hookers alone and concentrate on the job at hand”?
With all the technology and social media out there, a person cannot sneeze with it showing up on YouTube, Twitter or a half-dozen other media outlets. How can any responsible manager not know what’s going on in their area of authority?
The only answer I can come up with is that those in charge simply are too busy filling their own coffers with public funds that they can’t be bothered to look elsewhere, even when that information is out there 24/7/365.
When the news finally is made public, the elected officials are flabbergasted, outraged and insulted anything like that could happen on their watch. What they are really saying is someone finally went overboard and got caught out of sheer arrogant stupidity.
We have reached a time where the only resolution is to simply run every elected official out of office and start over with people who are responsible managers and concerned for the public good.
Barring that, maybe we should do what other civilized countries do and cut off the hands of the thieves and fools who rob the public blind.
Carl Munger
Las Vegas
On camera
To the editor:
It’s hard to believe that an agency the size of the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department doesn’t have at least a few in-car video cameras.
I previously lived in a state that had video cameras in almost every agency’s vehicle. Each agency had a grant writer who researched and applied for federal and state grants for those cameras.
The cameras were instrumental in settling disputes such as the ones in which Metro constantly and consistently seems to be embroiled.
It makes one wonder if Metro officials don’t want a record of what goes on. I would hate to believe that is true.
Patricia Burrows
North Las Vegas