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We’ll all pay for Medicaid eventually

To the editor:

Thursday’s Review-Journal article, “Sandoval: Medicaid decision practical,” explained that the governor decided to extend Medicaid to an additional 78,000 Nevadans pursuant to the ObamaCare law.

This expands the medley of government programs that now dominate our personal health care system. An example is the reported problem in a companion article: While the state’s medical associations lauded this expansion, they acknowledged that Medicaid patients were increasingly being under-served by reluctant physicians because of underpayments and the burdens of government red tape. This decision will only complicate such problems.

A fiscal justification for this “pragmatic” decision so prided by our politicians is the oft-recited fallacy that the federal government will cover 100 percent of the expansion’s costs for the first three years. The federal government is broke! It’s bankrupt! The only money it has is our tax money and the borrowed money we taxpayers must pay back.

Thus, the truth is that for the first three years and forever after, we state taxpayers will cover 100 percent of the additional medical costs and administrative expenses our “pragmatic” governor is imposing upon us. Doesn’t he know this?

My question is whether the governor and his many political supporters are really that stupid, or whether they feel the people are dumb enough to accept such political deceit.



Voter photo ID

To the editor:

I applaud Nevada Secretary of State Ross Miller for proposing to prevent potential voter fraud by requiring photo ID at the polls.

Recent letters to the editor have expressed a concern with regard to the cost of such a program and the cumbersome method of management. I would like to suggest a less costly system that would eliminate almost all voter fraud: The constitution should require that a person be required to prove he or she is a legal citizen of the United States of America and provide a photo ID at the time of registration. This will speed up the process at voting time and prevent illegal immigrants from casting a vote.

There will be a financial cost, but this will provide citizens with the belief that the voting process is fair to all. Freedom is not free.



New America

To the editor:

It’s incredible just how little the people of this country know, or care, about how our system of government works.

The so-called “fiscal cliff” is one huge political football. The solution to this problem should have been forthcoming many months ago, but it’s not good politics to take a position right before an election.

This country flew over the real cliff on Nov. 6 when this president, and the circus he presides over, were re-elected. And the poor cretins who head up the GOP remain clueless. This country has devolved into a one-party system and will remain so for the foreseeable future. The uneducated, the uninformed and the unconcerned now realize they can vote themselves free money and benefits.

We are losing many of our freedoms, and have lost our soul to the social engineering crowd and their relentless goal to create a socialist Shangri-la.

Welcome to the new America.



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