Weak story play for Benghazi testimony
May 14, 2013 - 12:09 am
To the editor:
I watched the three Benghazi whistle-blowers testify Wednesday. The media gave it the ho-hum coverage. If the media coverage were like Watergate, our president and all the presidents’ men would be looking for new employment.
What I found most disturbing was the Review-Journal giving large front-page coverage to that boring murder of Jodi Arias’ boyfriend while giving the Benghazi cover-up a small, upper-right reference to Page 8A. That disappointed me. I gave more credit to the Review-Journal prior to this.
The president has demonstrated his amazing ability to lie. Last year, Barack Obama told supporters, “We focused on the terrorists, and al-Qaida is on the run.” ObamaCare will not cost a single dime. The private sector is doing fine. All these lies have almost full sanction from the media.
Concealed carry
To the editor:
This is in response to James A. Geffert’s Thursday letter, “Shootout.” Mr. Geffert creates a hypothetical situation where he and another person (both licensed to legally carry a concealed weapon on campus) find themselves in a crowded classroom. When they hear a scream and a gunshot, he pulls his gun and so does the other person, and they end up shooting each other.
Mr. Geffert, I don’t believe you have a permit to carry a concealed weapon, and if you do, you obviously slept through the class you were required to attend in order to receive the permit.
I know this because I’m licensed to carry, and I took two classes in California and one in Nevada, all within the past three years. The most important thing I learned in every class was you don’t pull a weapon until you mentally assess the situation. If I determine that I can shoot my target and not hurt innocents, and if I’m reasonably certain that my target will hurt me or innocents if I don’t take the shot, then and only then would I pull my weapon.
Mr. Geffert jokes about how people licensed to carry practice “fast draw in front of the mirror.” Do you do that, Mr. Geffert? I practice at the range, and I don’t play with my gun in front of a mirror because I’m not 10 years old. I’m a 59-year-old responsible woman, and I have the right to carry in order to be able to defend myself and others if necessary.
Mr. Geffert, I suggest that you take the 8-hour concealed carry class, 12 hours if you want to carry in Nevada and Utah, and then write a letter. Once you complete the class, you will understand that carrying is a huge responsibility and that people who take the time take that responsibility very seriously.
Vote them out
To the editor:
The feds took money out of the Social Security fund and have not yet replaced it. We have spend hundreds of billions of dollars in the Middle East fighting other countries’ wars, not to mention killing and maiming too many of our young people.
Now the Obama administration is talking about eliminating COLAs, and is even hinting at reducing monthly payments to reduce the deficit. I don’t see members of Congress objecting to that, but they are eagerly protecting their benefits.
I paid into Social Security for 55 years. Now my Social Security checks are an important part of my budget. I’m sure it’s the same for most recipients. And that money goes right back into the economy.
I suggest we citizens adopt an “if they are in, put them out” policy.
By that I mean at election time we vote out all those now in office.
They are the problem.