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Wayne Allyn Root lays it thick in defense of Brett Kavanaugh

I read your alt-right representative Wayne Allyn Root’s Sunday column (“Democrats wage war on GOP men”). He laid it on extra heavy, as usual. Like Donald Trump, he exaggerates to excess.

His comment last month about lines at the convention center stretching as far as the eye can see sounded sort of like Mr. Trump’s debunked largest inauguration crowd ever. And on Sunday, Mr. Root is implying with zero evidence that Christine Blasey Ford was paid off by the Democrats. There was nothing about Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s complete abandonment of even a semblance of judicial comportment. Instead, Mr. Root lauds the real disgrace at the hearing, Sen. Lindsey Graham.

If he doesn’t mind, I’ll consider the FBI report and not rely on Sen. Graham, Sen. Chuck Grassley and Sen. Orrin Hatch to inform me.

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