Tyrone Woods gave his life in Benghazi
January 29, 2013 - 2:03 am
To the editor:
Outgoing Secretary of State Hillary Clinton asked, “What difference does it make” about Benghazi? Ask the loved ones of the four murdered men. I knew more about it than she still claims the White House knew.
Ambassador Christopher Stevens pleaded for help from the chief of staff for seven hours, and instead President Obama felt that coming to Las Vegas was more important. Former Navy SEAL Tyrone Woods risked his career by disobeying orders to stand down; instead he gave his life. These men were under the direct protection of the White House, and their pleas were ignored.
I asked more than 10 people in various locations about Benghazi, and only two vaguely knew anything about it. Nice work, media. Poor Susan Rice. She had to bite the bullet, and now Mrs. Clinton did the same. I think America needs to hear from the 19 people who were rescued by Mr. Woods about the unanswered questions.
The lives of these brave men demand answers, even though it might end in impeachment.
No one died in Watergate.
Haughty Hillary
To the editor:
I’m glad Hillary Clinton blew her top. It makes her look very guilty of lying. Was her Benghazi testimony her “You can’t handle the truth” moment? We could almost hear “The Skaters’ Waltz” playing when she talked. Does “find them and bring them to justice” mean allowing the release of one of the suspects who was already in custody?
As to her question, “What difference does it make?” She spent more than $90,000 of our taxpayer money placing an ad in Pakistan telling them it was a movie’s fault and how sorry she was about any offense that the film caused them.
The “difference” it makes is that she chose to back a lie about the death of four proud Americans and then proceeded to double down on it by costing the lowly taxpayers as well.
Is Mrs. Clinton’s State Department incompetent and/or dishonest? What’s she doing in a State Department that keeps us so uninformed that she takes out ads in foreign countries apologizing for events that never took place?
Finally, in answer to Mrs. Clinton’s question: So, after World War II, at Nuremberg, should we have accepted “What difference does it make?” as a defense?
Rich will shut up and pay
To the editor:
If I understand your argument in your “Taxing the rich” editorial of last week, the more we tax the wealthy, the less we get. And your logic is based on complaints from golfer Phil Mickelson and actor Gerard Depardieu.
This is the same argument you made about ObamaCare – that doctors would stop taking Medicare patients if the law was enacted. But the problem with your argument is that it’s not supported by actual facts. Doctors won’t stop treating Medicare patients strictly because they can’t survive without them. With the aging boomers, there will be few patients without Medicare in the next decade, and so many patients with it. Those doctors have no choice, and they sure don’t have a place to move to where they will make nearly as much regardless. They are sure not going to close down their practices and go on unemployment.
In regards to taxes, what is “too high” a tax rate? Moving to Russia is not an alternative most will take and give up their citizenship. So 35 percent is OK but 39 percent is excessive? The vast majority of even the wealthiest Americans will stay, will pay and will rightfully shut up because they realize this is still the place where they want to live and earn money. With your logic, the high taxes tourists pay in Las Vegas should send them to other cities, and therefore the taxes needed to pay for a new domed stadium at UNLV won’t work because the increase will drive away tourists.
Make up your mind. You haven’t shown a single strong fact to support your argument.