Traffic woes are Boulder City’s own fault
January 6, 2011 - 12:00 am
To the editor:
Why should we feel sorry for Boulder City’s traffic problem (Sunday editorial)? They have done nothing to solve it for longer than the 50 years I have been driving across the Hoover Dam.
Meanwhile, Arizona has built two new roads to the dam in that time. In Nevada? No major improvements since the dam was built.
Boulder City had more than five years to do something in anticipation of the increased traffic created by the new bypass bridge, but invested in golf courses and whined. If Arizona officials were in charge, they would have ensured there was a fourth lane on that road to the casino in six weeks.
But, alas, Nevada will do nothing, and Boulder City will still just whine and continue to do nothing.
Del Barry
Las Vegas
For the people
To the editor:
Zealous and militant politics that cater to one political party or another are slowly bleeding this country of its ability to make smart decisions for the majority. Democrat or Republican, congressman or senator, it just doesn’t matter. Partisan politics is the agenda of Washington, and running the government comes in second, unfortunately.
Meanwhile, corporate lobbyists on both sides sit back and drool.
This is not government by the people, for the people. This is government by corporations, for corporations, profits and record CEO salaries. Is it any wonder the net worth of the Senate (nicknamed “The Millionaires Club”) jumped by $680 million last year?
The American people struggle with job losses, business failures, unemployment, foreclosures, bankruptcy and much more. Meanwhile, our congressional leaders have given more than $700 billion in bailouts to corporations and extended tax cuts for two years for the wealthiest of Americans.
They tell us this is good for middle America. Really?
It’s time we get back to government by the people, for the people and away from partisan politics that serve corporate America first and foremost and consider middle-class American issues to be only an afterthought. My vote will no longer be a part of any block that politicians can use to serve their corporate interests.
I’m taking the first step. I’m proudly changing my voter registration to independent.
Fred Taylor
Las Vegas
Uniform taste
To the editor:
I read recently where two North Las Vegas police officers involved a night-time shooting death were wearing green fatigues instead of standard police uniforms (Review-Journal, Jan. 2). In my opinion, police officer uniforms in this valley have became way too casual in some cases.
When I started my police career in the 1960s, street cops wore a uniform that stood out. The uniform was easily recognizable, complete with a peaked cap with a badge on it. Now they wear army combat uniforms with combat boots and a cloth patch for a badge.
Your story stated the witnesses said they didn’t know the men were police. It’s possible — and if that’s true, it’s a tragedy. I see police driving around wearing nothing more than a yellow golf shirt with a stencil saying “police” and a cloth badge. You can buy a shirt anywhere that says “police” on it.
If rushed and shouted at by armed men dressed like this, I would be prepared to question them until I was sure. That’s why plain-clothes detectives are supposed to have uniformed officers with them when serving arrest warrants.
Let’s put our police officers back in real uniforms except for special situations.
Clark Coleman
Las Vegas
Debt ceiling
To the editor:
There is an old debate: Which came first, the chicken or the egg? I would rephrase that question to: Which came first, people who believe government is there to provide them with things or the politicians who offer those things?
If you haven’t noticed we are $14 trillion in debt, and we are being told by some that we have to raise the debt ceiling, currently at $14.3 trillion, even higher. Those on the side of raising the debt ceiling will say it would injure the United States to default on our obligations. That’s probably true, but going further into debt would do the same.
In fewer than two years, Congress has borrowed and spent more than $2 trillion to stimulate the economy. It hasn’t worked. We have already seen fewer countries stepping up to purchase our debt. That’s why we get things like quantitative easing (government buying its own debt).
Members of Congress have known this day was coming. They knew we couldn’t continue to borrow 43 cents of every dollar we spend. But after raising the debt ceiling early last year they incredulously increased spending! Is Washington devoid of all common sense? It would seem so.
Our debt is rising at a rate of $4 billion a day. To put it in perspective, if the government were to confiscate every dime of wealth from Bill Gates, founder and CEO of Microsoft it would cover debt payments for 11 days.
I believe the November election was about Washington’s out-of control-spending and bigger government. Those on the other side would disagree. We will soon find out who was correct.
Robert Gardner