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The consequences of putting your “x” in the wrong box

If you are complacent or apprehensive and do not vote, you will get the government you do not want. Because by not voting, you voted in absentia.

Nevada is a right-to-work state. That means union and nonunion workers may work side by side on the same job. An “x” in the wrong box could change that.

We currently have a U.S. senator with seniority, a valuable asset for Nevada. Each time a senator is re-elected, he or she gains seniority. Harry Reid was an example, and that benefited Nevada immensely. An “x” in the wrong box could end this seniority.

Nevada has low taxes, no tax on food, fewer regulations, a simpler lifestyle and less stress on the body and mind. Nevada has an abundance of unencumbered open space to be explored. An “x” in the wrong box could change that.

Welcome to all you new Nevadans. You will love it here. Most of you are leaving states with high taxes, restrictive regulations, high crime and dangerous living conditions. An “x” in the wrong box could create the same living conditions you were attempting to escape.

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