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Tesla numbers highlight crony capitalism at work

After reading Sandra Chereb’s Wednesday Review-Journal article “Tesla’s hiring misses mark,” I believe that every voter who cast a ballot for our RINO governor and his lap dogs in our Legislature should be gathering a pitchfork to remove every one of them from their positions of authority.

The issuance to Tesla of transferable tax credits for meeting minimal investment and hiring benchmarks means, the story tells us, that these credits will be sold to a casino company.

This is a blatant scheme to shore up another green energy rat hole and provide kickbacks to the political elite.

Tesla’s Elon Musk and our duplicitous representatives are nothing more than government money charlatans sucking our state and federal coffers dry to advance their own agendas and enrich their bank accounts. Enough of this outright theft within our government system.

Dennis Leffner

Las Vegas

Law breakers

The recent article about UNLV student activists calling for the removal of part-time instructor George Buch is a sad commentary of the leftist slant of our education system. While I applaud the humanitarian intent of the students, I wonder why they aren’t aware that illegals are too expensive for a country $20 trillion in debt.

It’s sad that our country has gone so far down the path of socialism and that students have been indoctrinated to accept it. They apparently are not being taught about how socialism really turns out. Socialism has never worked for the working people. But it works very well for the elite who decide how the country’s wealth will be divided up.

So George Buch doesn’t want to break our country’s laws and is being ostracized by a liberal institution. Well, kudos to Mr. Buch for taking the heat and pointing out that those who harbor illegals are breaking our laws.

Linda Cannon

Las Vegas

Sub in the cheerleaders?

In response to Yvonne Wood’s Wednesday letter to the Review-Journal in which she charges Bishop Gorman with bullying in the high school football state championship game against Liberty:

Yes, the 84-8 final score in favor of Bishop Gorman was one-sided. In looking at the stats, however, the Gaels’ linescore per quarter was 35-21-13-15. Gorman rotated teams frequently. Short of putting the cheerleaders in against Liberty, I’m not sure what else they could have done.

Both teams are nationally ranked. But there is a significant difference in the level of play between a team ranked No. 1 and a team ranked No. 20.

Bishop Gorman and Coach Kenny Sanchez do have advantages that other schools do not, but they get phenomenal results with their program. When they play other nationally ranked teams, the games are much closer.

H.M. Shelton

Las Vegas

Priced out

The Grand Canyon, Yosemite, Death Valley — the list goes on and on. National parks established by visionaries such as Teddy Roosevelt, who petitioned Congress to set aside and preserve certain areas of our great country to ensure that this beauty could be enjoyed by generations to come.

But now, commercialization threatens accessibility by all, which was the intent. Can a single mom living in a low-income area afford the entrance fees to any of these national parks for her and her children without robbing a bank?

To charge anyone a dime to see the Grand Canyon is heresy and if we study closely the texts of the bills establishing national park guidelines, I believe it’s not legal.

John Reese

Las Vegas

Oh, well

Hillary Clinton defeated. Barack Obama ousted. Fidel Castro dead. Nancy Pelosi … re-elected?

Well, phooey. Not everything goes right.

Glen B. Dunning

Las Vegas

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LETTER: Students protest death in Gaza

Seeking an end to death, injury and starvation of civilians in Gaza does not fit the definition of antisemitism.