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Tea party terrorists bringing down the country

To the editor:

Republicans cheered the tea party on and welcomed them into their ranks. Hence the new “Reds.”

I remember so well the fear we felt in the ’50s and early ’60s with the emergence of the communist threats against America, and now we’re facing an open rebellion against America by Americans.

And I remember the words of Osama bin Laden after the attacks of September 11 — that the way to defeat America is to destroy its economy. Now, sadly, we have our own terrorist “Reds” who are determined to do just that.

The very thought of forcing America into default by refusing to raise the debt ceiling is ridiculous. Obviously the “Teapublicans” are ignorant of the rules of economics. Paying our bills is what we must do, and reducing our deficit is also something we must do. Because the two cannot be combined into one grand plan, however, the budget should be negotiated separately from the debt ceiling question. A short-term plan is totally unacceptable because America cannot afford to continue this stupid debate while so many of its citizens are unemployed or underemployed.

The Teapublicans, in their determination to bring down President Obama, have been succeeding in costing thousands of jobs throughout both the public and private sectors. The economy was improving until 2010, when big business and Republicans created the new “Reds” and voters bought their lies. Now you’ve got them, John Boehner.

In their efforts to ensure a Teapublican government, “Red” states are actively dissolving unions and restricting voting rights for students, seniors and the poor — the citizens who most likely would vote Democratic in the upcoming elections. Our “Red” Congress is determined to destroy our fragile economy by making Draconian budget cuts that effectively destroy jobs. They’re also determined to bring down the Consumer Protection Bureau, repeal the health care bill, reinstate don’t ask-don’t tell and take away women’s rights. But in the end it will take down the Republican Party.



Same lunch

To the editor:

Every time I hear people complain about their elected representatives, I’m reminded of the story about the workman who at lunch every day would pull out a sandwich, look at it disgustedly and throw it on the ground, muttering, “Damn, baloney again.”

After witnessing this ritual several times, a co-worker asked the man, “Who makes your lunch, anyway?”

“I do. Why?” said the workman.

American voters are like this workman. They’re disgusted with all the baloney coming out of Congress. But come election day, they put the same yahoos back in office. It’s like the definition of insanity. It is crazy to expect these con men to give a twit about their constituents once they’re ensconced in their plush Washington digs for another term.

If we want America to survive and thrive we’ve got to quit doing this. We know Congress will not impose term limits, so we have to take the initiative to the ballot. There is something definitely wrong when members of Congress will leave office only in the event of death or scandal.

Some argue that we need experienced legislators in Congress. Baloney. What’s a seasoned, experienced congressman but a politician who succeeds in getting himself re-elected? The current track record of the Capitol Hill Gang now in office clearly indicates Freddy Krueger and a bunch of gang-bangers could govern just as well. Surely they couldn’t do worse.



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