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System didn’t fail. the parents did

My heart broke while reading the Sunday story about Katie Maynard and Robert Aufdenberg (“A child lost again”). Because the couple had abused a previous infant, Child Protective Services was supposed to take custody of their newborn. Instead, they were allowed to leave the hospital with their baby.

The article states “the system failed.” And within one week, the child suffered a traumatic brain injury and is likely not to progress beyond its current one-week stage of development.

The “system” did not fail. The parents failed. If I fail to put gas in my car and change the oil, the car did not fail, I did.

This shifting of blame has to stop and the parents need to be held fully accountable. The only way the “system” failed was in not forcing these parents to be sterilized after they “failed” by seriously abusing their first infant.

Tierney Jacobs-Montoya

Las Vegas

Caving to PC

Wouldn’t it be nice to see GOP leaders break free from their PC knee-jerk apologetic Stockholm Syndrome reaction to anything the left-wing media tell them may be offensive to some self-proclaimed martyr of the left and the Democratic Party?

Their behavior is so incredibly predictable that it is really scary. They have no idea they are playing into the narrative of the left. In the vernacular of the street, they are being “clowned.”

David Baker

Las Vegas

America before party

It’s time for the people of this nation to wake up. How can anyone support Donald Trump as a presidential candidate? He calls Hillary Clinton a liar? Fact checkers have stated that 75 percent of what Mr. Trump says is a lie.

I am not a Democrat. I am not a Republican. What I am is someone who puts America before any party. I try to vote for the presidential candidate who would do the best job in the interest of American values.

I voted for John McCain, I voted for Barack Obama, I will not be voting for the likes of Donald Trump.

Both Mrs. Clinton and “The Donnie” state they will create millions of jobs. Probably neither will be able to back up that promise. Many of the high-paying lost jobs people are complaining about will not return. Many are now done by robotics, or are technical in nature.

The Donald Trump crowd is supposed to be white and lower educated. They will need to be trained to receive the type of income they were used to.

The choice may not be the greatest, but I will vote to elect Mrs. Clinton for four years rather then support Mr. Trump for president. At least I know the country would be able to survive four years under Hillary Clinton.

Bob Maige

Las Vegas

Media for Hillary

Pat Smith, the gold star mother of the fallen Benghazi soldier who spoke at the GOP convention, was attacked by Hillary Clinton and all of the media — especially Chris Matthews and Chuck Todd — and somehow that was OK. But Donald Trump makes a few comments about people attacking him and it is a major uproar?

Hypocrisy at its best by the media working overtime for the Hillary Clinton campaign.

Thomas Sled


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