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State prison system full of inefficiencies

In response to the Dec. 21 Review-Journal article headlined “Nevada picked for study to lessen solitary confinement use in prisons”:

I feel the need to correct Department of Corrections spokeswoman Brooke Keast’s statement that, “All new inmates go through an intake process of up to 21 days.” While that may be what the administrative regulations reflect, it is certainly not the practice. In fact, it is not uncommon for the intake process to take up to 45 days.

Further, anyone wishing to challenge the time spent in intake must file a grievance that takes a minimum of 30 days.

While I agree that the need to evaluate new inmates is of paramount importance — both for safety as well as efficiency and rehabilitation efforts — taking twice as long as the administrative regulations provide highlights the inefficiencies of the Nevada prison system, which are rampant and lead to the severe overcrowding that currently exists.

And yes, while the process is extensive, it is not so extensive that it should take 45 days. Otherwise, why have regulations?

Jeanne Metzger


Obama betrayal

The Obama administration and the Democrat Party have betrayed Israel, not only our closest ally in the Mideast, but our closest ally in the world. In an unprecedented and historic action last month, America failed to veto a U.N. resolution condemning Israel.

Instead, the United Nations declared Israeli settlements in occupied territories to be illegal. The vote was 14-0. Further, and I say this to the shame of President Obama, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says Israel has proof the Obama White House helped draft the resolution condemning Israel.

I predict Mr. Obama’s legacy will be one of a failed presidency. The multitude of his failures will not go away. He was elected to unite America and end divisiveness. But divisiveness in America is at an all-time high. Black and white relations have deteriorated into violence in the streets and chaos and disorder.

Mr. Netanyahu called the resolution “shameful.” This sends a chilling message to other American allies that the United States can’t be trusted to support its allies and friends.

Treachery, thy name is Barack Obama.

Clyde Dinkins

Las Vegas

Too nice

I agree with the Susan Estrich’s Dec. 30 column. Donald Duck is too nice of a name for Donald Trump. Here we have a man who has called women “dogs” and “pigs” and rates women’s bodies on a scale of one to 10.

He has mocked the handicapped and used racial slurs when referring to immigrants. He has also denigrated a prisoner of war while he himself dodged the draft. We know, too, that he was charged by the U.S. government over policies regarding housing discrimination.

I could go on and on because this man has spent his lifetime scamming his fellow citizens and his country. I would like to add that Barack Obama was “slimed” most of his eight years by none other than Mr. Trump. It had to do with the birther issue.

And no, I am not whining — as recent letter writer Richard L. French wrote — but merely voicing my opinion, just as he did.

Anne Stephen

Las Vegas

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