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Sheriff, officers deserve community support

In response to the Wednesday story, “Clark County sheriff disagrees with FBI director”:

James Comey, a man who doesn’t even live in Clark County, is telling us that the rise in Las Vegas homicides might be due to Metro’s “de-policing.” Poppycock.

In response Sheriff Joe Lombardo said, “As the leader of this agency, I’m not in agreement with those comments.” I agree with the sheriff. The fact is simple and clear: We need more police. Then crime will decrease.

This is the time for residents to stand tall in support of Sheriff Joe Lombardo and our brave, courageous men and women Metro police officers. Every day, our Metro officers are here for us, risking their lives for our families, children and property.

Let us show our gratitude, respect and loyalty to the No. 1 police agency in our great country — our own Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department.

Clyde Dinkins

Las Vegas

Convention chaos

I was disappointed, but not surprised at the chaos at the recent state Democratic Party convention. I was not there because of the chaos at the February caucuses.

I was in charge of our precinct site at Mack Middle School during the caucus. I got little to no help from the Democratic Party to run 11 precincts. At our caucuses it was the Clinton supporters who created havoc. They broke every rule they could and then called me unprintable names when I exerted any authority. Roberta Lange and the Democratic Party never answered a single correspondence I sent with my concerns.

I would never condone any violence or threats, but I can certainly understand the frustration of the Sanders delegates. The party leaders brought this mess upon themselves.

Fran Hutton

Las Vegas

Choice words

Once again Steve Sebelius shows us that he is totally ignorant in what he writes. This time it is on the Education Savings Account ruling by Clark County District Court Judge Eric Johnson (“Two reasons judge is wrong on ESA ruling,” Friday column).

Perhaps Mr. Sebelius should sit back and consider the fact that it doesn’t matter where the money is being spent, just that the child is being educated. It is being spent by the parents to achieve a good education for their children in a private school that they would not be able to get in a public school.

No sectarian establishment is being granted the money. It is the parent who is receiving the money to defray costs they are assuming in order for their children to get an education they would not get in our local schools.

Our public schools are not educating our students properly. Anyone who has watched the Waters World segments on Fox News has seen that even college-educated students can’t answer questions such as, “Who did we fight in the Revolutionary War?” or, “Who is your senator?”

I agree that teachers should be paid more, but only if they are competent to do their jobs — and do it.

James E Rhodes

Las Vegas

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