School Board doesn’t need to do nothing
February 12, 2012 - 2:04 am
To the editor:
A Friday Review-Journal headline reads, “School Board agrees: Raise property taxes.” In the story, School Board member John Cole is quoted as saying, “We can’t do nothing.”
I haven’t been in school for many decades, but isn’t that a double negative? But I digress.
There is something I can do. My wife and I moved to the valley in 2006 and bought a house we could afford. We put more than 40 percent down on it and have never missed a payment. We now owe the bank more than we could sell it for, and our property taxes went up this year. We could walk away and there would be yet another vacant home in the valley sprouting weeds and generating no property taxes.
In the same article, School Board member Erin Cranor is quoted as saying, “I’d like to give people the opportunity to say yes or no.” I have a novel idea. Let only homeowners vote. Why should people who have no skin in the game get to vote to raise taxes on those who do?
One last point. Near the end of the article, School Board member Carolyn Edwards opines, “I don’t think we cannot ask.” Oops, another double negative.
Maybe it’s good these people are on the School Board and not in the classroom. After seeing our student test scores, it seems they are having a rough enough time already.
Robert Gardner