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Rossi Ralenkotter’s embarrassing behavior

In response to your recent stories about Rossi Ralenkotter, CEO of the Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority:

Mr. Ralenkotter took taxpayer-funded gift cards and spent them on personal travel for him and his family. How embarrassing. Don’t these people have any moral compass? And aren’t we shocked as a community that he would do this? Yet he is allowed to retire at his convenience — and likely with a wealthy package, to boot.

I work really hard at being a good citizen and living within my means financially. I never take things that don’t belong to me or show special favors to people who do this.

We must punish bad behavior. Somebody on the convention authority board must step up and stop this madness. And District Attorney Steve Wolfson should prosecute any wrongdoing to the full extent of the law. This would help restore the belief of many hardworking people out there that crime doesn’t pay.

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