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Review-Journal’s Heller endorsement misses the mark

I was disappointed to see the newspaper endorse Dean Heller over Jacky Rosen for U.S. Senate, citing Sen. Heller’s experience (Oct. 21 Review-Journal). As a matter of fact, Sen. Heller’s experience is exactly the reason I’m voting against him. He’s experienced at trying to cut health care and at voting against the interests of Nevadans. It’s time Nevadans vote against him.

Donald Trump and Mitch McConnell love Sen. Heller’s experience. He’s voted in lockstep with them more than 92 percent of the time. Insurance companies love Sen. Heller’s experience. They’ve given him more than $670,000 since 2013. Me? I do not love Sen. Heller’s experience. What I love is affordable health care.

I’ll pass on Sen. Heller. Jacky Rosen’s got my vote.

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