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Residents lose nothing with weekly recycling

To the editor:

I’ve read too many complaints regarding Republic Services’ new recycling program — less service, stinky stuff and trash blowing all over the place.

Under the new schedule, Clark County residents will have the same service. Instead of twice-weekly pickup for trash and pickup once every two weeks for recyclables, you will have both pickups once weekly and a bulk pickup every other week. The only losers here are the Republic Services drivers. Both trucks use only one person. The bulk trucks still use two.

Most of what you put into your garbage can be recycled — all that paper stuff, cans, bottles, most plastics. Just rinse them out before putting them in the can. It eliminates the odor. Use a paper grocery bag to hold all of the small paper items. That keeps them from blowing away should a gust of wind go through as your can is being dumped.

Regarding your stinky stuff, eat what you cook, save leftovers for another day and use your garbage disposal whenever possible. Use a plastic grocery bag or kitchen-size plastic bag for your nonrecyclables and wet stuff. Diapers and doggie and kitty poo, of course, go in plastic bags.

The system really does work. It doesn’t matter if you are single or a family. You still have to put your stuff in a can — just use the proper one. The best part? Republic Services provides the cans free of charge. They have three sizes, they last a really long time and will give you additional ones if you need them. And they roll easily to the street.

The only thing you have to remember is your bulk pickup day, which is your current recycle day.



Enforce the law

To the editor:

Somebody please tell me why we need immigration reform.

Will it benefit average American citizens? I don’t think so. Not many average American citizens are professional politicians who stand to gain a lot. Will it provide badly needed jobs for beleaguered American workers? I don’t think so. Many American workers have to compete with illegal immigrants as it is. Will it promote national security? I don’t think so. How does downgrading American citizenship by giving it away promote a national security? How about national pride? See above.

Immigration reform, activists say, will pave the way for the 20 million illegal immigrants already in this country to become citizens. If any of that number have actually sought citizenship, I’m sure their paths have not been obstructed.

In truth, immigration reform is nothing more than a political gimmick to appease the demands of one special interest group and assure nice long careers for those politicians who support it. Immigration reform is just another way of saying amnesty.

What is wrong with enforcing our immigration laws as they are? Because, sure as little red peppers make hot tamales, today’s 20 million illegals will be replaced by 20 million more after immigration reform.



More cops

To the editor:

The increasing violence, shootings, stabbings and all-out war on the Las Vegas Strip is only symptomatic of a deeper problem: We have weak leadership at the top of the Metropolitan Police Department. If Sheriff Doug Gillespie cannot end this spreading violence, then voters need to consider new leadership.

We also need to wake up the County Commission to the fact that we need an immediate increase in the number of Las Vegas police officers, more training, better tools to deal with the violence with and less talk. We are presently short about 250 officers.

The idea of citizen volunteers on the streets with limited experience is pathetically laughable (Jan. 30 Review-Journal). This city is under siege and we are adrift.



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