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Republicans achieved more than they intended

To the editor:

We owe a debt of gratitude to the Republican Party for accomplishing some things we might have thought impossible: It revived an otherwise moribund labor movement; it acted so overtly to deny people the right to vote that a voter rights movement was born again; it jolted women into recognizing the persistent yearning of people with a sectarian agenda to threaten their right to control their own bodies as well as so simple a proposition as equal pay for equal work; its vitriol toward immigrants moved many to reject as a national ethic the notion of “self-deportation” and “show me your papers.”

Its stridency against ObamaCare leaves the rallying cry of repeal an empty echo of holdouts without an alternative to a modest move toward health care for most people; its homophobia advanced the cause of marriage equality more than proponents probably could have in such a short time; it demonstrated that appeals to hate, division, and attacks by zealots with sectarian views both political and religious succeed only with a small and dwindling group of constituents eager to cling to and impose a quaint but deadly agenda on a population that has moved beyond them.

Thank you, Republican Party.



New shackles

To the editor:

Santayana pointed out “Those who don’t know history are doomed to repeat it.” Fifty years ago, progressive liberals promised the black community that they would “end poverty” and provide for their needs. Education, the liberals preached, would lift them out of the lower class. Welfare, progressives preached, would be the helping hand to get them higher on the ladder of success.

Yet, 50 years later, this culture of government dependency has provided generations of suffering hallmarked by poorer education, higher poverty rates and the destruction of the family unit in the black community. But the liberals got what they wanted – a monolithic voting bloc that mindlessly lines up every four years to perpetuate these conditions.

So I congratulate you, Latinos, as you were the deciding factor in keeping these progressive snake oil salesmen in power. Higher unemployment rates, out-of-wedlock births and government dependency are just down the road. Sen. Harry Reid said, “I don’t know why any Hispanic would vote for a Republican,” because he truly believes you cannot survive without the helping hand of government. So remember this election as the starting block to “achieve” the same level of success that was promised 50 years ago to the black community. You deserve every last drop of the suffering that comes along with your thirst for government dependency – because you voted for it and will now continue to vote for it for generations.



Free ice cream wins

To the editor:

In a well-traveled email parable, a fifth-grade teacher attempts to teach her students about the democratic process. She holds an election for class president.

Linda, the brightest bulb in the class, makes a speech promising to do her best to represent her classmates and make their educational experience better.

Wanda, a mediocre student with a spotty attendance record, announces only that if she wins the class will get free ice cream. There is no mention of who is going to pay for the ice cream, how it’s going to be delivered or what flavors will be available.

To the teacher’s astonishment, Wanda wins in a landslide.

Yesterday, we as a nation voted for the ice cream – again.

This despite the fact that Wanda didn’t deliver any ice cream during her first term and couldn’t articulate a specific plan about the ice cream this time. We only know that ice cream was promised. And we opted for the promise, while ignoring a proven leader who could have helped us afford our own ice cream.

It’s a sad day in America.



Don’t ‘contribute’

To the editor:

Congratulations to President Barack Obama, his looter colleagues and moocher supporters. The face of his second administration should be the slick, mustachioed countenance of the much-televised David Axelrod, whose every appearance raised the question, “Would you buy a used president from this man?” Turns out, they would.

It’s time for Atlas to shrug and for the rest of us to watch as they run out of other people’s money. Directions to Galt’s Gulch requested; will be held in strictest confidence.




To the editor:

For a great many Americans, the unfathomable event occurred. With the re-election of Barack Obama, this great country, surprisingly, has turned itself away from the principles of limited government and self-government with which our Constitution endowed us more than 200 years ago.

My belief is there is now no way home for us.



Never laid a glove

To the editor:

Another RINO bites the dust. Mitt Romney never mentioned President Obama’s friends and mentors – the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Bill Ayers, Frank Marshall Davis, his Marxist father, his Muslim faith, his bringing to power the jihadist governments in Tunisia, Libya and Egypt, his “social justice” program of confiscation of private wealth and properties, his plan for gigantic de facto nationalizations of private enterprises in energy, transportation, health care, insurance and the mortgage industry.

Another decent Republican bites the dust, defeated by the criminal Chicago machine.



Rich, arrogant

To the editor:

I laughed when I read Steve Wynn’s two cents in Sunday’s Viewpoints section (“Deficits, ObamaCare, quantitative easing will degrade Americans’ standard of living.”) He claims to be concerned that we peons are struggling financially, yet he takes tip money from his own workers.

If he is so worried for the people of this country, why does he give millions of dollars to the Chinese government instead of American charities? (I guess because we can’t help him open casinos in Macau.)

Steve Wynn does not care about you or me. Instead, he is a rich, arrogant man who wanted you to vote for another rich, arrogant man so he can remain rich and arrogant without having his taxes raised. Don’t fall for his false compassion.



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