Pipeline plan vital to the future of Las Vegas
December 2, 2011 - 2:03 am
To the editor:
I read with trepidation about the campaign to stop Las Vegas from garnering a new water supply for the city (“Regulator to see deluge of pipeline input,” Tuesday Review-Journal). It is just this type of attitude that is keeping the Las Vegas economy in the doldrums.
There is no way Las Vegas can improve its economy without an adequate future water supply. Even wind and solar energy projects will suffer. Yet we have tens of thousands of Nevadans, including many in Southern Nevada, who would oppose such a project.
In fact, many Nevadans oppose other projects that could give our economy a boost, such as the Yucca Mountain Project or the coal-fired power plant project near Ely. If we continue to oppose projects such as these, then our economy has no hope of recovering.
I would plead with you to write the state engineer and tell him you favor the project to bring a supplemental water supply to Las Vegas. If approved, then maybe we can expand our economy sufficiently for it to flourish rather than stagnate as it has for the past several years.
Harvey S. Eastman
Las Vegas
Jobs plan
To the editor:
It’s nice to know the federal stimulus plan is working. Well, it’s working for Sen. Harry Reid’s family, anyway (“City job goes to son of senator,” Wednesday Review-Journal).
Pamela Tette
Las Vegas
Walk signs
To the editor:
I am 78 years of age, and I can’t for the life of me figure out why you young people and the so-called leaders in our city and the surrounding area can’t solve the problem of the pedestrian crosswalks.
First, they are pedestrian crosswalks, not for the use of individuals riding bicycles. Get off the bike and walk across the street. Even though Las Vegas police officers don’t do anything about it, you are supposed to travel with the flow of traffic, not on sidewalks. Take note, Metro.
Second, there should never be a pedestrian crosswalk on a street or road that has a speed limit of more than 35 mph. The stopping distance at the speed of 45 mph is 146.25 feet, which includes reaction time, so guess where the sign for a crosswalk should be posted? Take note, Nevada Department of Transportation.
There are very bright lights posted across roads, streets and even highways in this state that indicate a stop light, but not for pedestrians. What am I getting at? A solar-powered flashing pedestrian crosswalk sign should be posted at a distance from the crosswalk that equals the stopping distance for the posted speed limit.
I have noticed that the only posted pedestrian crosswalk sign is at the exact spot of the crosswalk. Oh yes, there are some out there.
Light games
To the editor:
Most people realize that drivers must be aware of pedestrians attempting to cross the street, whether they’re in the right or wrong.
And most people realize that pedestrians must be aware of drivers approaching who may not be paying enough attention.
But the fact is: The vehicle will always prevail.
That being said, how about this? Synchronize the traffic lights. Stage the lighting system to the point where the traffic engineers could post signs on the roadway stating, for instance, “35 mph = green.” Albuquerque, N.M., has some of these signs. Many drivers would decide that driving 35 mph would help them hit three or four more green lights. As it stands now, some drivers think they need to speed up in order to make the next light. Their increased speed is partially due to the frustration of having to wait so long for a traffic light to turn green.
I am not saying that every street needs such synchronization but revamping major streets would allow drivers to pay more attention to the road and allow pedestrians to time their crossings in a more controlled manner.
Now, if certain major streets could be redesigned as one-way-only streets, we could really curb the pedestrian accident rate. But that is an issue for another time.
Brainwashed occupiers
To the editor:
I saw Michael Moore on TV leading hundreds of Occupy Wall Street protesters in a chorus of hate-capitalist venom. Whatever he shouted, they chanted verbatim. He reminded me of the pig brainwashing the sheep in George Orwell’s “Animal Farm.” Pretty scary stuff.
Mr. Moore should stop the hate language before people are killed. Aren’t there laws against hate crimes? If Macy’s is firebombed, Mr. Moore should be held accountable in both civil and criminal court.
Tough decision
To the editor:
You have performed a tremendous act of public service by publishing an article on state engineer Jason King (Review-Journal, Monday). Economically and environmentally, the north-south water pipeline project is the most important issue facing our entire state.
Your brief biography of Mr. King — and the opinions of him from both sides — provided enough substance for the public to place their trust in Mr. King’s judgment with confidence. And I am in perfect agreement with your reporter, Henry Brean: I would not like to have to make such a decision, even though it comes with the turf.