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LETTER: It’s a jungle on our roads

I am considering a bumper sticker that reads “Slow down, the coroner will wait.”

LETTER: Colleges have become daycare centers

Georgetown offered Legos, coloring at a post-election day “Self-Care Suite” for students to deal with “stressful times.”

LETTER: Star-struck Nevada lawmakers

The legislation, as proposed, calls for $1.9 billion in taxpayer subsidies over 20 years. It will create a “projected” 7,500 jobs? That’s $253,330 taxpayers will pay for each job.

LETTER: The broken teacher evaluation system

The odds of a failing teacher, tucked comfortably under the blanket of the teachers union, being let go are approximately 100 million to 1.

LETTER: Signs, signs everywhere there’s signs

We Nevada voters had presented to us a bumper crop of examples of campaign signs using distortions, strawmen and appeals to fear, to name just a few.

LETTER: Want open primaries in Nevada?

Start calling your Democratic lawmakers.

LETTER: The Trump threat remains

Democrats, unlike Republicans, are just following democratic norms.

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In case you missed it