Maybe the Democrats in our delegation might consider not voting 98 percent of the time with the Democrats. Just an observation.
Greed has nothing to do with it.
The cost is $415,896 per home on land already owned by the city.
Nevada AG engages in woke nonsense.
AG Ford vows to protect illegal immigrants.
The issue of transgender use of any bathroom seems like a tempest in a teapot.
I have an answer to all the Dems’ questions of why Kamala lost: It’s the candidate, stupid!
What a surprise. Mr Segerblom belongs in California, where they would welcome him with open arms.
It seems people must die before there are real consequences and accountability.
Funny how, when the left is no longer in power, they want to play nice in the sandbox.
While residents will never be made whole, perhaps those at fault should lose pensions and other benefits.
Energy resources could also help lower the deficit.
The criminal-elect has nominated a fellow criminal to investigate criminals.
I am considering a bumper sticker that reads “Slow down, the coroner will wait.”