Outsourcing improves government efficiency
To the editor:
In her Monday column, “It pays Nevada governments to send work, cash to other states,” Jane Ann Morrison brings up an important observation: Private business can do most jobs better and more efficiently than government agencies.
So if more and more jobs that government bureaucrats handle, both on the national and local levels, were outsourced to private businesses, I think we’d see better service at much cheaper prices.
Once a person is hired by the government in almost any capacity, it is very difficult to get rid of him if performance is not up to speed. This isn’t so in the private sector.
Outsourcing would be a much better use of our tax money.
Karen Gunderson
In bed
To the editor:
I just read the statistics of the British health care system. When their Labor government nationalized the British system in 1948, the system had 480,000 hospital beds, serviced by 350,000 staff.
In 2002 their system had 186,000 hospital beds with 882,000 staff.
Most recently, in 2008, they had only 160,000 hospital beds serviced by 1.368 million staff.
It is easy to predict the near future of that system: In 2020, the British National Health Service will have zero hospital beds serviced by 2 million union members, representing about 6 million sure Labor votes (let us not forget the other adult members of those households).
Now, about our health care system, which is some six times larger …
Marc Jeric
Las Vegas
It’s not the money
To the editor:
In his Sunday column, Steve Sebelius suggests that the Democratic Legislature accept the $5.8 billion budget but rewrite the governor’s budget under the cap. He suggests taking money from various programs and funneling it to education.
Like most in the Democrat Party, he believes if you spend more money on education, we will produce a better and smarter student.
In 1979, the U.S. Department of Education was created. Since that time, student test scores have not risen. You never hear our politicians and educators ever talk about or produce a study that shows a direct correlation between more money spent per pupil and higher test scores.
That is because there is none.
Instead of constantly begging for more money, the teachers union and educators better figure a better way to teach our children and spend our tax money more wisely.
We need a complete audit of where the money is going. We taxpayers are running out of patience and money.
Michael O. Kreps
Las VegaS
Paid for
To the editor:
I agree completely with Howard Stutz’s Sunday column, “Despite deficit, lottery DOA.” In Nevada, the casinos own the politicians. They do not care about the wishes of the public, nor the desperate present and future needs of the education system.
Instead, they do care about lining their own pockets with the almighty dollar.
How sad.
Frank Musaraca