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Opposition to voter ID makes no sense

Thank you to Ron Moers for his Wednesday letter, “Voter ID.” He did not go far enough, however.

It is impossible to write a check, use a credit card or transact any business anywhere — including that involving medical assistance — without showing identification, usually a driver’s license. What’s even more amazing is that one cannot redeem a free buffet at any casino without showing ID as well as a club card, nor can one obtain any free gift at any casino without showing ID and club card.

And yet, no one has to show an ID in order to vote?

As for those who are “offended” by having to show identification, I’m sure they must show ID when they go to the doctor or to collect food stamps.

Does this make any sense to anyone? It doesn’t to me.

Maria Schlager


Media tilt

Donald Trump says he will not be politically correct. But now we are seeing how the left and the media — actually one and the same — view the “laws” of PC.

Mr. Trump”s comments about the Gold Star parents whom Hillary Clinton paraded at the Democrat convention were declared to be “not PC” and Mr. Trump was immediately declared guilty. Leftist media have blared more about this in five days than they reported in three years about Mrs. Clinton lying to Pat Smith when her son came home in a casket after the bungling of the Benghazi debacle.

Why does the media have the power to declare Mr. Trump guilty and Hillary innocent?

Owen Nelson

Las Vegas

All in the family

Thank you, Jane Ann Morrison, for your Thursday column regarding the attempt by Josh Reid, Henderson city attorney, to change the city’s ethics law (“Henderson official’s bid to soften ethics laws feels familiar”). Thanks also to Review-Journal reporter Natalie Bruzda’s July 20 story exposing this. Kudos also go Henderson City Council members Debra March and John Marz.

If not for all of the attention from these folks, this change would have been sneaked through by our supposedly honest politicians. Enough nepotism, already.

Sharon House


Cash to Iran

In response to the Thursday Review-Journal headline, “Cash to Iran blasted by GOP”: Shouldn’t it have read, “Cash to Iran blasted by most Americans”?

At one of the most dangerous times in our country’s history, this president decides to send cash — in unmarked, non-U.S. currency in an unmarked aircraft — to Iran just at the time when American hostages are released. Coincidence or idiocy? I vote the latter.

Barack Obama has now put a target on every American traveling overseas — and has given $400 million to a known terrorist state.

This idea of the cash being about a debt from 1979 is about as feasible as the Benghazi attack was caused by an Internet video.

I look forward to the day when the United States has a real leader again, and not some ultra-weak excuse for a president.

J.P. Cole

Las Vegas

Insult to seniors

I would like to thank every one of our elected officials for another insult. They send $400 million to our worst enemy, Iran, but have nothing for the millions of senior citizens who are trying to survive on Social Security.

It really makes me wonder why I bother to vote. Both Republicans and Democrats have an equal share in this travesty.

With all the name calling and bickering, I have yet to hear anyone speak up for me or other senior citizens in this country. Perhaps these politicians in their ivory towers have forgotten that seniors still have the right to vote.

Douglas Murphy

Las Vegas

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