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North Korea may be run by a lunatic, but it doesn’t diminish the threat

When I was a young man, I laughed in the face of danger. Not because I was brave, but because I was stupid. Many times I put my life and limb in peril just because I felt it was the right thing to do. When shot at, I shot back. I guess I was just a better shot.

Anyway, the nation is on the brink once again. As a history buff, I have always marveled at how things could be so different if this person had done that or that person had done this. Today, there is a menace that has to be dealt with. But the million-dollar question is: how?

North Korea — and to a lesser degree Iran — is bound and determined to go down in history as the mouse that killed the lion. This is lunacy, but that does not diminish the threat.

I pray that the powers that be can somehow find a solution that does not include military engagement. But it must be said that the policy of ignoring these idiots has brought about the current situation — ignoring the problem cannot be the answer this time.

It is unfortunate that our past leaders allowed the situation to evolve to this point.

I will continue to pray for the best possible results, but make no mistake, if called, I will be a volunteer to help protect the homeland. I am sure they could find something for an old man to do, even if it is just loading for the shooters.

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