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No room for politics in horse tripping

To the editor:

I am sickened by what now appears to be political wrangling going on behind the scenes with Clark County Commissioners Chris Giunchigliani and Tom Collins regarding the Hispanic community applying pressure over the no-change vote to keep the ban on horse tripping (“Officials can’t get rope around controversial event,” Saturday Review-Journal).

It now seems that Ms. Giunchigliani wants it brought up for reconsideration, as if there is any humane issue to reconsider. Her chest-thumping declaration in the recent commission meeting, declaring she just felt “obligated” to put the ordinance on the table, now seems hollow in light of the behind-the-scenes efforts going on with Hispanic leaders who want the ban reconsidered.

I would suggest re-enacting the act of horse tripping on Commissioners Giunchigliani and Collins themselves, and on any members of the Hispanic rodeo community who entertain the thought for even a brief moment that horse tripping is not a terrifying, potentially dangerous experience for a horse, and see if they find it anything but terrifying and harmful. If these were dogs, cats or perhaps a horse they personally owned, would they see it any differently? Look at the photo in the Aug. 7 Review-Journal that shows the look of pure terror on the horse’s face, or watch any number of YouTube videos that have footage of horse-tripping events.

I understand the size and political influence of the Hispanic community in Las Vegas, but that doesn’t make it morally or ethically OK to intentionally inflict harm on animals, all for the sake of their traditions, ethnic or otherwise. If it did, then most religious communities, including the Christian community of which I am part, could decide to go biblical and start sacrificing animals during Sunday services, all in the name of tradition.

There is no need to reconsider the horse-tripping statute already in place, prohibiting all horse tripping in Clark County. The only reason to reconsider, of course, is for political expedience. The eyes of all animal rights communities in the country are upon the commissioners. I ask you to do the right thing for these beautiful creatures that cannot speak for themselves. Don’t change the Clark County ordinance. Let our ordinance be the one that other communities strive to match.

It’s no wonder we have a nation full of citizens who are sickened by politics and the power of the almighty dollar. Enough already.



Embassy closings

To the editor:

I loathe responding to Trevor Browne’s vitriolic discourse published in the Review-Journal’s Aug. 7 letters to the editor (“Embassy closings accommodate Obama”), where he wonders why President Barack Obama closed 21 embassies in strife-torn, volatile countries across the Middle East. Mr. Browne follows with the moronic, “The answer is simple: Mr. Obama’s schedule.”

Like all Obama haters, Mr. Browne continues lambasting the president with inaccuracies and golf metaphors, as he professes to be an avid golfer. So am I, Mr. Browne, but probably not with your same acuity.

However, in addition to golfing, I read in order to acquaint myself with the ever-evolving intricacies of this wonderful country we live in. Perhaps by acquainting yourself with the Huffington Post, Time Magazine, The Economist, The Washington Post and our own excellent Review-Journal and Las Vegas Sun, the answers to your vexing questions will be revealed.

In the meantime, Mr. Browne, here’s wishing you fairways and greens.



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