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Nevada Democratic gubernatorial candidates trying to out-commie each other in the primary

Many of the Democrat primaries seem to be taking on a common theme: Which candidate can best out-commie the opponents?

The Nevada gubernatorial race provides an excellent example of this. One candidate states, ”I hate Trump and the NRA, and I will generously hand out a bunch of taxpayer-funded goodies.” The other candidate says in response, “In complete contrast, I really hate Trump and the NRA and will hand out a really big bunch of taxpayer goodies.” Whereupon the first candidate says, “I am shocked by my opponent’s misrepresentation of my position, which is actually that I really, really, really hate Trump and the NRA and will generously force an absolutely enormous bunch of taxpayer-funded goodies down your throat until you choke.”

I will try to enjoy this while I can, because I think Nevada has some unpleasant times ahead.

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