Mencken was correct about democracy
September 11, 2011 - 1:02 am
To the editor:
The truth, remarkably, is very often the least popular statement made about a situation. With our republic now transformed into a democracy, the advent of another presidential election process leaves me convinced of the wisdom in H.L. Mencken’s sage, but unpopular, observation that, “Democracy is a pathetic belief in the collective wisdom of individual ignorance.”
The validity of this assertion is reflected in the recent actions of our nation’s body politic.
Aided by misinformation from a deservingly undistinguished and unaccomplished national media, we voted for political party icons in the persons of the Bushes, Bill Clinton and now Barack Obama, entrusting with immense government power these common variations of political party lemmings, faithful only to their respective parties and special interest supporters. In voting based upon political party propaganda, we have essentially collectivized our acquired individual ignorance.
Until we learn to disdain the highly sophisticated, duplicitous political rhetoric and false propaganda of these political party machines, we will continue to experience dissatisfaction with our very poor choices, the pathetic product of Mr. Mencken’s “collective wisdom of individual ignorance.”
Matter of degree
To the editor:
While reading the September 2011 Smithsonian magazine, I noticed the “percentage of U.S. high school students who graduate” is 75.5 percent.
Our school superintendent’s goal for the 2011-2012 school year is 75 percent.
So if he meets his goal we are still below the national average. And he will probably get a big raise for his “achievement.”
Evil business
To the editor:
Political Science 101: The GOP is the party of business. The Democrats are the party of labor. There are more voters in labor than in management, so in order to win over red-neck labor voters, Republicans claim to be opposed to abortion, gay marriage and gun control.
Every law ever passed that was designed to benefit working men and women — e.g. Social Security, Medicare, unemployment insurance et al. — was passed by the Democrats with strong opposition from the Republicans.
The GOP wants to privatize Social Security because business wants to avoid paying their half of the Social Security tax.
The term “small government” is code for no regulation or oversight of banks or business. Smart businessmen with their unregulated, overvalued real-estate derivative swaps caused the worldwide recession we’re in today. The most famous smart businessman around lately is Bernie Madoff.
The only beneficiary of small government is big business. Teddy Roosevelt is the last Republican president to stand up to big business.
Jim Riley
Las Vegas
Tragic losses
To the editor:
My husband and I first heard of the Portaro family when our company, Team Rock LLC, featured Joe Portaro of Faith Lutheran High School as our “Player of the Week” on our website in September 2010 because of his accomplishments in football. We presented Joe with a wall cling of a photo of himself in his football uniform.
We have been residents of Las Vegas since 1989 and we keep up with local sports, so we were also familiar with his brother Michael’s football history at Faith Lutheran. We were stunned to hear of Michael’s shooting death earlier this year.
But when I read about Christina Portaro’s accidental death (Monday Review-Journal), I just broke down. This is the first letter to the editor I’ve ever written. I just felt compelled to express to the Portaro family our deepest sympathies for their terrible losses. As alone and devastated as they must truly feel, I wanted them to know there are people they don’t even know who are praying for them and their family.
Please accept our sincerest and deepest sympathy.
Scott Morrow
Karen Morrow
NOrth Las Vegas