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Many reasons for the U.S. to pull out of Iran deal

In his May 14 letter to the editor, Richard Strickland invited Trump supporters to respond to his views regarding the wisdom of pulling out of the Iran deal. Although I am not a supporter of the president, I’ll explain.

I might have preferred that we first attempt to modify the deal, if only because my inclination is to keep my word. However, since Iranian officials have received money from us, they have tested missile-delivery systems, engaged in the Syrian conflict on the side of Bashar Assad, continued to send arms to Hezbollah, continued to kidnap and hold American citizens and do whatever they can to promote as much conflict in the Middle East as possible. All this while telling us what they think of us in their continuous chants of “Down with America.”

In the face of all this, they claim — and the world agrees — that they are abiding by the agreement. What more does it take to explain how flawed that agreement was?

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