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Many, many sources offering fake news

I’ve been puzzled by the so-called fake news the liberal media is so upset about. I can understand that Hillary Clinton would be upset if there were stories that lied about her — and there probably were, given there has always been questionable information distributed.

But I wondered why this so-called fake news was causing such a fuss. I think the reason is that the fake news sites are competing with the liberal sites. The propaganda market has greatly expanded so liberal propaganda must now compete against unregulated internet propaganda. In other words, free enterprise.

We all know that we are bombarded by government propaganda. NASA puts out questionable weather information, the U.S. Department of Agriculture lectures us about our diets and the EPA wants us to be afraid of minuscule pollutants from auto exhaust.

The bottom line: If the members of the public actually learned to be skeptical about the information they take in, they might also be skeptical of pronouncements from the government. That would certainly be a blow to the Democratic Party, which is the party of government.

Ed Dornlas

Las Vegas

Cough remedy

It’s fine that Wayne Allyn Root is leading the cause against paid Strip parking. I wish, however, somebody with a daily Review-Journal column would take up the cause to banish smoking in all casinos.

There are the witless who believe smoking and gambling go together. They are so wrong. Gambling behavior is mental and stands on its own. If anything, alcohol is a closer companion to the gambler — and even if Prohibition still existed, it wouldn’t deter gambling.

Frank R. DiNicola


Recycle advantage

In response to the December 9 letter from Richard Rychtarik “Republic scheme”.

I live in the city of Las Vegas and have been participating in the recycling campaign since its inception. I rinse my recyclables because if you do not you end up with ants. I then store them for up to two weeks and carry my little wheelless bins to the curb. I would love single-stream once-a-week pickups and a big recycle bin with wheels.

Recycling reduces my volume of garbage by 50 percent and I do not need twice weekly pickups.

Only someone who does not recycle would want want or need the present city schedule of twice-a-week garbage pickups.

Craig Kemnitz

Las Vegas

Student demands

I am sitting here thinking of all the people in uniform serving our country during this holiday season. Some of them still teenagers. Then I read in the Review-Journal about some students making demands to Len Jessup, the president of UNLV.

If I were Mr. Jessup, I would suggest a few things to these spoiled brats.

First, I would tell them that they do not “demand” anything. They may “ask” and “suggest,” but never demand or pout. Next, I would suggest to them that they open a dictionary and look up the words “illegal alien.”

There are laws on our books concerning those covered by this term. The fact that Barack Obama refused to enforce them does not change this fact.

I shudder to think what lies ahead of these spoiled students when they are forced into the real world without “safe spaces.”

Douglas Murphy

Las Vegas

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LETTER: Students protest death in Gaza

Seeking an end to death, injury and starvation of civilians in Gaza does not fit the definition of antisemitism.