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LETTERS: Trump clearly best choice in election

Donald Trump does not act presidential. Of course not. He tries to speak the truth. Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Ted Cruz, Harry Reid, Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell all act very presidential. They routinely lie about almost everything. Our politicians, practically without exception, are almost incapable of being truthful. As a result, it becomes easy to support Donald Trump for the presidency of our once great country.

Supporting Mr. Trump requires little intellect. He just tells it like it is. It’s surprising that the establishment from both parties hates him. These liars and thieves are being exposed, and fear for their very existence. Republicans who criticize his candidacy offer no substantive alternative to the voters.

I read an article that stated gasoline prices not only were going up again, but substantially (“Low prices for gasoline on way out,” Thursday Review-Journal). Weren’t low prices on gas given as the prime reason why senior citizens would not be entitled to a cost-of-living increase in Social Security this year? That’s another big lie exposed. Not that the increase in gas prices comes as a surprise, but it’s just another example of the lies coming out of Washington, and all too frequently at the expense of seniors.

So many in Congress are seniors, but none speak up on senior issues. Sens. Harry Reid and Bernie Sanders are two perfect examples. When have they spoken up on behalf of seniors, trying to protect us from price hikes on groceries, insurance, prescription medication and now the price of gasoline? Although speaking up is not the same as getting things done. Results count. The new Washington talks much, but does little.

As a retired senior who has worked hard all my life with my wife, and saved as best I could, Mr. Trump is the clear choice in the 2016 election. He wants to make America great again. He deserves the opportunity, and so do we. America simply cannot afford not to elect Donald Trump president. All others will continue on President Obama’s destructive path.

Ron Hirschkind

Las Vegas

Immigration policy

Let’s speak to the real problem with our immigration policy. There are many people who have been here legally for many years, as productive, tax-paying residents who do all the right and lawful things to earn citizenship. Yet they wait for that citizenship, while others have violated our laws — criminal and civil — are allowed to stay.

President Barack Obama, Sens. Marco Rubio and Chuck Schumer, Rep. Nancy Pelosi and others seek to violate our laws to give these lawbreakers legal status and a path to citizenship. We have policies that allow terrorists a cursory examination to enter our country and then kill us.

Do our immigration policies and practices need revision? Yes, but not for the millions of illegal criminals here. They need to return home with their children. And not for those who come from countries clearly hostile to the American way of life. Our laws, policies and practices need revision to ensure such people never get into the country, and to ensure that those who have followed the rules and worked hard can become American citizens.

John Stites II


ESA money drain

I have previously written with my concerns about the administrative costs of Education Savings Accounts, but that was before the lawsuits (“State board OKs more money for legal fight,” Wednesday Review-Journal). The state Board of Examiners has approved another $125,000 to a the firm defending the ESA law, in addition to the nearly $300,000 already paid out.

This is only the first lawsuit. If the state wins this — and I hope it doesn’t — there will be other lawsuits and appeals.

I have three grandchildren in Clark County public schools, so I have skin in the game. It’s easy to see that $1 million could be spent on a losing cause, while the school district still can’t hire good teachers due to a lack of funding. Please stop draining these funds.

Ray Byrom

Las Vegas

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