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LETTER: When did politics turn into a giant temper tantrum?

Updated August 16, 2019 - 8:56 am

I am 75 years old. I can remember my parents telling me in kindergarten that if I don’t get my way during recess, I should wait my turn and I would get my way. They taught me to be patient and not be angry and throw a “temper tantrum.”

This was a sign of maturity, of controlling one’s emotions and of being respectful.

In today’s political climate, I see a lot of people on both sides with “temper tantrums.” How are we to teach our children if they see adults with angry words and demonstrations in the streets that often lead to property damage? The old saying “change the things we can and learn to accept things we cannot change” is an adult way of handling issues.

We have a president who was elected. One may not like him, but accepting him is a sign of maturity. Waiting for the next election to vote and change things, rather than throwing a “temper tantrum,” is another sign of maturity.

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