LETTER: Wayne Allyn Root’s Green New Deal will never happen
On the one hand, in commenting on the Trump tax cuts, Wayne Allyn Root is correct that “the perception is — whether true or not — that (the president) left the little guy out of the party.” That bill was weighted far, far too heavily toward the very wealthy. Even a recent Review-Journal editorial conceded that the tax cut has proven to be unpopular among most Americans.
But on the other hand, Mr. Root’s proposal for a Trump Green New Deal (a dramatic cut of middle-class tax rates) is especially naive.
First, Donald Trump cares only about the wealthy and himself. Why would he be bothered to think about reducing the tax burden on the vast majority of taxpayers? Second, I have not heard or read about anyone in Congress discussing such a plan. Such a proposal would have to be passed by both the House and Senate.
Sorry, Mr. Root, but barring some miracle, your proposal is dead in the water.