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LETTER: Victor Joecks’ recent commentary on early education doesn’t tell the whole story

In response to Victor Joecks’ Jan. 8 commentary, “The risks of government-funded pre-K”:

I find it interesting that Mr. Joecks bases his negative conclusions regarding the value of early childhood education on the Perry Preschool Project, a single pilot study that started in 1962. Though this study was far from conclusive due to sample size, it prompted more than 50 years of research into the value of educating and socializing our youngest citizens.

Generally speaking, when children enter kindergarten ready to learn academically, socially, physically and emotionally, savings result from reduced spending in remedial care, retained grade levels and special education — and later in life through law enforcement, prisons, social work, welfare and other support services.

I speak from first-hand experience as a teacher, child-care director, early childhood education instructor, Head Start mentor and as parent and grandparent of children who attended preschool. Many parents are financially, temperamentally and economically able to prepare their children for success in school and in life. Many are not. Early childhood education educators can help steer those children to equal opportunity with their equally ready peers. Taxpayers can reap those benefits.

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