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LETTER: Vaping is a lifesaving product for smokers

My grandmother and my father were both smokers, and both died from lung cancer. I smoked for 30 years. Then I tried vaping and have not had a cigarette since I began vaping.

I can’t believe the government, Big Pharma and Big Tobacco are trying to ban a lifesaving product. Vaping has changed my life for the better. I can actually walk up a flight of stairs without having to stop and catch my breath since I quit smoking and now vape.

Prohibition has never worked and just leads to unsafe black market products, which end up killing people. What other freedoms will the government take away from us?

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LETTER: Donald Trump remains a threat to the republic

There is nothing in Mr. Trump’s behavior as president that compels the conclusion he is not a threat to democracy: just the opposite, actually.

LETTER: Utah lawsuit threatens the concept of public lands

A ruling in favor of Utah’s lawsuit would mark the end of public lands as we know them, opening the floodgates to every anti-public lands politician in the West to seize public lands by way of the courts.

LETTER: Kamala tries to stay in hiding

It is readily apparent that Ms. Harris does not like or handle spontaneous situations well.

LETTER: The real immigration debate

How should the U.S. go about crafting solutions to immigration that acknowledges the need to uphold our immigration laws while also trying to uphold the spirit of America that has always welcomed immigrants?