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LETTER: Trump the dictator

Since when is it OK for the president to dictate law and violate the Constitution? Since when is it OK for the president to disappear people to a foreign prison with no trial?

If the dictator can decide which government agencies there are and at what levels to staff them, why do we even need a Congress anymore?

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LETTER: A tale of two headlines

Your March 19 front page encapsulates the sad state of affairs in this country.

LETTER: Justin Jones: The $80 million taxpayer albatross

Southern Nevadans have some real “winners” among our elected officials. The City Council in the Badlands case cost us $626 million and Mr. Jones could well be said to singlehandedly have cost us the $80 million.

LETTER: Don’t kill the Department of Education

This will perpetuate the growing economic and educational divide in our country, which will further our demise toward a Third World banana republic of haves and have-nots. I shudder for our nation’s future.

LETTER: Prosecute the Tesla vandals

Perhaps when and if they catch these wanna-be terrorists, they should be jailed.