LETTER: The Swamp just keeps on spending
January 12, 2023 - 9:01 pm
The federal government’s fiscal year ended Oct. 1, 2022. For the past three months it has been running on empty. Back in October, our so-called elected representatives were too busy getting re-elected to do the job they are paid to do. Plus, while in re-election mode, they don’t do anything controversial, such as address fiscal responsibility.
While campaigning, they paint themselves as representing everybody — all while millions in out-of-state dollars pour into their campaign troughs. When they are back in The Swamp, the truth slowly leaks out. They don’t represent Nevada. They represent the sugar daddies.
The $1.7 trillion legislative charade is a prime source of information. That equals $531,250 for every Nevada citizen. Does anybody remember a campaign promise to increase our debt load? Me neither.
I often wonder why out-of-state interests spend millions to re-elect Nevada’s congressional delegation. Follow the money. Nevada is cheap. For $15 million to $20 million they bought three votes in the House and two votes in the Senate. In return, they receive $1.7 trillion in pork, paybacks, contracts, employment, legislation, etc.
It’s business as usual in The Swamp.