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LETTER: Selfish, senseless anti-scientists endanger others during pandemic

I used to have faith in my fellow man. I used to give those outside of my circle the benefit of the doubt. But that was then and this is 2020. I see clearly now that one out of two people I encounter supports hate, greed and the brand of selfishness that says I can do whatever the hell I want and to hell with the rest of you. It is tragically evident that far too many people have no regard for humanity, the truth, or anything beyond their narcissistic noses.

I see that many won’t put on a mask to help stop a deadly pandemic. A simple piece of cloth across their faces is an affront to their freedom. They see it as muzzling their rights rather than protecting the greater good. Apparently, they don’t care about my parents, their grandparents or the disproportionate number of Black and brown folks such as me who have been crushed by COVID.

No, these selfish, senseless anti-scientists — millions of them — got on airplanes to visit loved ones for Thanksgiving – loved ones who, because of their disregard for facts and data, might not be around for Christmas. Last weekend I drove by the North Premium Outlets and saw the parking lot crammed with cars. I immediately lost my appetite for leftover turkey and dressing. The vision of collective amnesia was enough to make me sick. I wondered if that pair of shoes, sweater or newest electronic gadget was “essential.” My heart broke for the almost 270,000 people who mattered to their families and the thousand more who will succumb to the virus because Americans just can’t shut it down.

This year has robbed me of any semblance of faith I once had in my fellow Americans. They have shown they can’t do the right thing, even when their lives and the lives of others depend on it. The ugly reality is that far too many can’t see beyond their super-spreader selves.

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LETTER: Utah lawsuit threatens the concept of public lands

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Where is your editorial on Donald Trump and JD Vance toning down the rhetoric? Or are you tone-deaf to their remarks?

LETTER: The Democratic ‘gift’ to America

What are the people of Springfield to do? Kamala Harris expects these poor citizens to somehow feed, shelter, clothe, medicate and educate the 20,000 uninvited.