LETTER: Review-Journal columnist a real court jester
November 19, 2020 - 9:00 pm
Updated November 19, 2020 - 9:43 pm
Once again, jester Victor Joecks spews his ridicule around the palace court he imagines belongs to Gov. Steve Sisolak (Sunday commentary). The jester believes that the governor — regardless that the protocols he has imposed include those advised by the doctors and scientists of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and those collaborated upon with neighboring state governors — should simply “help Nevadans determine their individual risk level.” This could be done perhaps with the jester’s magical Tarot cards, a fantastic infra-red COVID-19 body scanner or anything else deep down in the jester’s magical bag of potions and gimmicks.
Responsible Nevadans are following the common-sense directives learned from the global pandemics of the past: wear a proper mask (N95 isn’t invincible), wash/sanitize hands and observe social distance practices. Furthermore, responsible adults know that our risk is greatly reduced if we remain at home as much as possible. It’s not rocket science.
Responsible adults will also continue to monitor their own health by regularly visiting their physician, who will, in turn, help to determine “individual risk level” and advise on ongoing precautions to follow.
Let us all move forward responsibly as we turn our backs on the jester and his naysayers. Hope is on the horizon if only we are careful.