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LETTER: Republicans the party of political corruption

Republicans are saying it was OK for President Donald Trump to make U.S. foreign aid to Ukraine contingent on the Ukrainian government giving him dirt on his political opponent. If Republicans believe that what Mr. Trump did is acceptable, then the Democrats should immediately raise $400 million and offer that money to any person or government around the world that comes up with the best “dirt” on Mr. Trump, Vice President Mike Pence or any of their family members.

No patriotic American should ever want to see our elections influenced like that.

Why are Republicans in the House and Senate so focused on exposing and discrediting the whistleblower instead of condemning Mr. Trump’s betrayal of the American people? Watching these Republicans is like seeing firetrucks roaring up to your house with alarms blaring and lights flashing, but instead of putting out the fire in your home, the firemen jump out and start knocking on your neighbor’s doors, trying to find out who called 911 and asking about their motivation for sounding the alarm.

Why are Republicans defending Mr. Trump’s corruption of our elections? It seems they are just like Mr. Trump: They welcome foreign interference in our elections if it helps them win.

Republicans have supported political corruption at home for years with their support of the Citizens United ruling. Now it appears they want that political corruption to be worldwide.

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LETTER: Power to the people!

Ranked-choice voting would be a boon to Nevada.

LETTER: The cost of driving in Las Vegas

Auto insurance rates are soaring. I am in favor of anything that will lower the cost of mandated insurance policies.

LETTER: Big money in Las Vegas non-profits

I read in a recent Review-Journal that some CEOs of nonprofits were earning up to $552,000 a year. This is disgraceful.

LETTER: Question 7 and ballot security

Are you a fan of mail-in voting? Be aware that there are changes if Question 7 passes.

LETTER: If Democrats run the show in Carson City …

Your Sept. 22 article on what Nevada would look like with a Democrat supermajority in the Legislature can be summed up in one word: California.