LETTER: Joe Biden is taking voters for granted
October 15, 2020 - 9:00 pm
Isn’t Joe Biden’s statement that the American voter doesn’t deserve his answer on packing the Supreme Court — along with his “you ain’t black” if you don’t vote for him comment to the African American community — an indication that he is taking your vote for granted?
Hillary Clinton didn’t lose the past election because of some collusion conspiracy. She lost because she didn’t go to Wisconsin, Ohio, Michigan and Florida to ask for their vote. Donald Trump did. Instead, she chose to spend her time in New York and California raking in multimillion-dollar contributions. This is what happens when politicians think they have you in their back pocket.
This isn’t meant for the 40 percent who support Mr. Trump and the 40 percent who support Mr. Biden. It’s for the 20 percent who truly are trying to decide. Choose wisely.