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LETTER: It’s time Americans work to heal our divisions

Our country’s founders gave their blood and treasure to create a sanctuary of tolerance where people could pursue their dreams. For 240 years, we have moved — albeit not always gracefully — toward the realization of that ideal.

In recent years, however, it seems that the vision may have been lost. We understand the fear; we understand the anger. We feel it too. Our grievances are real and very deeply felt, and so are those of others. But we believe our goal is the same — we disagree only on how to reach it.

We would like to make one humble suggestion. We treat each other with respect. No more name-calling. No more insults. No more demonizing.

Respect also implies honesty. So one more humble suggestion: we back off the rhetoric. Trust has been eroded all around; that may be the most dangerous situation of all, as it makes everyone vulnerable to manipulation. The only way back from that is to tell the truth simply and respectfully. No waffling. No hair-splitting. No adherence to the letter but not the spirit.

The people of this country are divided right now. We are looking to our leaders to show the way toward healing. Donald Trump promised to “make America great again.” He was elected. If he has any sort of mandate, that is it. We suggest, however, that America’s greatness lies in the good hearts of her people, and we will never reach that greatness unless we learn to work together respectfully.

Let’s keep our eyes on the prize for which our founders gave their lives.

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LETTER: No conspiracy involving Hunter’s laptop

The R-J should acknowledge that Mr. Trump’s lies, frauds, defamations, criminal indictments and convictions are exponentially worse than Hunter’s laptop being evidence or any of the other alleged Biden missteps.

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