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LETTER: Eliminating deans at Clark County School District a bad idea

Eliminating dean positions in the Clark County School District is a huge mistake (Tuesday Review-Journal). There are so many other positions that could go first.

Superintendent Jesus Jara needs to evaluate every nonclassroom position in the district and determine whether those positions really help instruction or are simply “fluff” with a title that sounds important. Deans provide a sense of stability and accountability for the student population and enable teachers to teach. The middle and high schools need the deans. In fact, there should be a dean for every hallway in each building.

As violence increases in our schools why would Mr. Jara, eliminate the positions that can help keep this violence in check? Please reconsider. I taught in the district for 35 years and witnessed the amount of money wasted on needless positions that “appear” to help instruction but instead drain the budget.

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