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LETTER: Don’t blame video games for recent violence

In response to Brian Freymueller’s Thursday letter to the Review-Journal on video games:

I find blaming video games for recent violence to be hogwash. We used to play cops and robbers and cowboys and Indians in our day, and I don’t recall such random violence.

I get tired of hearing the same thing, “Guns don’t kill, people do.” What are you going to do? Ban people? Like it or not, gun control and stricter background checks are needed. If it weren’t for the apple in the Garden of Eden …

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LETTER: NV Energy’s shell game with rates

NV Energy’s press release word salad on rate hikes would make the White House press secretary proud

LETTER: Trump driving the country on the road to ruin

I delayed any judgement on Donald Trump for 30 days to see how his decisions affected our citizens and country. I am very afraid about what he is doing to our country.