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LETTER: Don’t blame Democrats for country’s fiscal problems

In response to your Saturday editorial, “Sky’s the limit”: The subject of government spending hasn’t come up at all since the GOP took over the White House and Senate. But I soon realized you were talking about future spending promised by Democratic candidates, referring to it as bribes.

I find it ironic that the Review-Journal is suddenly concerned with the federal budget, considering the fact that the GOP has already paid more than $1 trillion — in bribes — to its wealthy supporters and is planning on doing it again this year.

Recognizing the fact Republicans will most likely lose power in 2020, you are now priming the field for new attacks on Democrats’ spending. But if you were truly worried about spending, you would put the brakes on supporting President Donald Trump’s tax cuts, which have not, and never will, pay for themselves as promised.

As usual, the Republicans have created a fiscal mess that Democrats must repair.

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