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LETTER: Donald Trump and the economy

In response to Patricia Cram’s recent letter rebutting Wayne Allyn Root’s column in praise of the Trump economy:

Apparently Ms. Cram searches for a perfect world in which there are no homeless or sick, people without medical care and in which society has eradicated all suffering, poverty, disease, laziness or unwillingness to work. She must also be searching for a world in which all people have the right to anything they need or want, such as medical care or a home to live in for their personal comforts.

Someone needs to explain to Ms. Cram that if “wishes were horses, then beggars would ride.” Her utopia is just not the world as it is, unfortunately.

To the contrary, the Trump economy is the most robust I have seen in my entire 79 years. There are more jobs available than there are skilled people to fulfill them. Incomes have been increasing at the lower levels of society such that the lower class is moving up in a spirited manner. The unemployment rate is the lowest in decades. Health care in this country and medical technologies are better than any other country in the world of similar size and complexity.

The cost of providing a world that fulfills Ms. Cram’s vision would be cost infinite and unattainable under any circumstances. Kudos to the Trump economy.

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